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BEECK Mineral Colours


What is BEECK?

In 1894, the company founder Ludwig Beeck established his business in Breslau with the development and production of pure active silicification mineral paints based on water glass. He achieved inseparable bonding between the coating and microporous substrate with BEECK Pure Crystalline Finish, a mineral paint system suited for particularly valuable historical building materials in interior and exterior areas. These original formulae are still used today for the conservation of built heritage and impress with their large colours diversity and their enormous durability.

A new and less expensive product category, synthetic resin emulsion paint, meant hard times for a resolute mineral paint manufacturer during the construction boom of the 1950s and 1960s. Mineral paints were nearly forgotten and structural damage caused by the improper use of synthetic resins on porous mineral building materials increased.

Despite the clear trend towards synthetic resin emulsion paints, BEECK’schen Farbwerke remained true to the development and production of pure, natural coating systems. Based on its experience with pure mineral paints made of lime and water glass, the company invested in developing pure plant-based paints. The AGLAIA Natural Paints brand created in 1968 has rounded off the BEECK product portfolio meaningfully ever since then.

The following owner, Gerhard Osterle, as a specialist in mineral and natural paints, also especially dedicated himself to their continued development. With the construction of the new production facility in 1972 in Laichingen, in the Swabian Alp region, he invested in modern machines, an in-house development and application laboratory and outstanding specialists as the most important knowledge carriers.

2011 Beeck was taken over by a german retailer. He invested at the lokal production into a full automatic production line for mineral paints.

2017 Beeck was taken over by THYMOS AG as the biggest customer, togehter with Timo Ascherl as new CEO. The two new owners bring together a long term experience in know how, sales, production and technical support for the future of Beeck! 

The tradition of building had changed in the past decades, and with it came new requirements for high quality and modern coating materials. Since the company was founded, work had been consistently carried out using natural raw materials such as beeswax, linseed oil, dammar and paracasein. To this day, BEECK offers a selected paint product range, which satisfies the highest standards.

This consistency was crowned in 2024 with the gold medal at the leading trade fair Denkmal in Leipzig for outstanding achievements in monument preservation in Europe.

BEECK´sche Farbwerke – plant-based and mineral natural paints from a single source!

Quality in materials, substrates and use is prerequisite for a coating to become what it should be – a success for skilled trades workers, owners or developers and designers. BEECK offers its whole range of services for the success of the customer, from competent substrate evaluation and preparation of work recommendations to detailed tender specification texts and estimating.

Built heritage conservation
BEECK has stood for top quality lime and soluble water paints suited for use on historical building materials for more than 120 years. Proven on critical substrates of listed buildings, on which synthetic resin bonded systems frequently fail.

Economic efficiency
The cheerful character, the play of colours and the lightfastness of the pure mineral pigmentation enhance the status of each building for many decades. This unsurpassed durability of BEECK Mineral Paints makes their use maintenance friendly and therefore economical.

Building physics
The capillary-active coatings have ideal open porosity, and are therefore extremely valuable in building physics terms. Thanks to silicification they form an inseparable mineral unit with the render, do not tend to flake and also do not form a vapour-tight, high-tension rind in when renovated. This open porosity also ensures a balanced, healthy living room climate. The high alkalinity of the coatings has a mould resistant and bactericidal effect. Free from solvents, plasticisers, biocides and preservatives they fulfil the strictest room air hygiene requirements.  

The advantages of mineral coatings cannot just be used on traditional building materials but also on composite materials and lightweight building components. A wide range of primers also opens up their use on substrates with weak silicification.

In aesthetic terms the matt coatings are unsurpassably attractive, especially in the modern ambience too. Traditional coating materials such as lime wash paints are especially compatible with historically valuable wall building materials such as air-lime plaster, clay or loam and natural stone. Reversible coatings and casein paints, with their vital character and blaze of colour are also firmly anchored in restoration and church painting, and lend every listed building a very special aura.

Pure mineral paints are natural mineral paints. Obtained from practically unlimited resources of raw mineral materials, they are integrated in material cycles. Free from solvents, plasticisers and biocides, they enable a healthy living environment.

BEECK brand logo
BEECK brand logo
Leitmotif of the BEECK brand
Leitmotif of the BEECK brand