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BEECK Mineral Colours
Mineral Paints for facades
130 Jahre Beeck'sche Farbwerke – 1894-2024

Beeckosol historic

one component Sol - Silicate system after VOB/C DIN 18363 2.4.1

Intended use

Solvent-free Sol silica system iaw. VOB/C DIN 18363 2.4.1. Silification due to the chemical reaction between the substrate and potassium silicate generates a permanent microporous bond with the substrate. The purely mineral-based pigmentation and avoidance of industrially manufactured titanium oxide as white pigment creates enhanced depth of light. Ideal for preserving the stylistic authenticity of historical facades. The paints are true to historical archetypes of classic cloth-matte, transparently appealing light strength and vividness, free of water-repellency or beading effects. When rained upon, an X-ray effect is created that renders substrate textures such as mixed masonry visible. Note uniform and/or historically authentic substrates and careful pretreatment. Sol technology permits perfect adhesion and silification even on critical, water-repellent and synthetic-resin-coated facades. Suited for lime and cement plasters, concrete, as well as weathered, matte dispersion and silicon resin paints.


mineral mat surface

historical archetypes 

titandioxid free



Technical Details


> 0,5 kg (m2h 1/2)

sd-Wert (H2O):


density (20 DC)

ca. 1,43 KG/L

ph- value:


organic compount:

< 5%


0,13 - 0,14 L/m2 per coat on normal smooth surface

Container size

1 L / 5 L / 12,5 L


Color hue • Lime white opaque barite/lime pigmentation. • Factory-tinted in 200 mixed colors iaw. BEECK Mineral Paint Colour Chart. Color groups: I – IV. • Due to heating effect, only use light colors (HBW > 40) on thermal insulation systems.
Overview Mineral Paints for facades