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BEECK Mineral Colours
Mineral Paints for facades
130 Jahre Beeck'sche Farbwerke – 1894-2024

Monocrystalline fine NEW 2020!!!

Pure silica paint iaw. VOB/C DIN 18363 2.4.1, ready-to-use and fully hydrated as a single component

Intended use

Pure silica paint iaw. VOB/C DIN 18363 2.4.1, free of organic content, mixed as a single component Suited for water-wettable, porous, mineral-based substrates, such as lime and cement plaster, concrete, kiln bricks, and natural stone. For decades, pure silica paints have stood for maximum durability, and a timeless, mineral-based, cloth-matte visual appeal. Slurrying base and intermediate coat with BEECK Monocrystalline coarse as needed.


-       For indoor and outdoor facade use.
-       Pure silica paint iaw. VOB/C DIN 18363 2.4.1
-       Painter-friendly, fully-hydrated, ready-to-use
-       Durable, highly weather-resistant
-       Maximum silicification activity
-       Ideal construction physical properties, high capillary activity
-       Mineral-based pigmentation appropriate for historical structures
-       Non-flammable, no organic contents
-       Mold-resistant due to alkalinity


Technical Details

W24 value:

> 0.5 kg / (m2h1/2)

sd value (H2O):

< 0.01 m

Density (20°C):

approx. 1.5 kg / L

pH value:


Organic content:



approx. 0.12 – 0.18 kg / L

Container size

1 l / 5 l / 12.5 l


White, factory-tinted and solid colors as per BEECK mineral color chart. Color tone groups: I – IV
Overview Mineral Paints for facades